Will stock electrical system power a HID ballast?


New Member
Sep 6, 2008
Lancaster, Ny
I have a 95 blaster.

I have a set of g35 projector lenses, a set of 6000k hid bulbs, and a ballast sitting around. Will I be able to power a single ballast? I'd assume not, but i'm wondering if anyone has ever tired this?
HID Ballast...

The way an HID Ballast works is it uses a large amount of energy to light the bulb, but a very minimal amount of energy to maintain the arc... as long as you have 12 volts when you turn the light on, you should be fine...I:I
what exactly is an hid balast? if ya dont mind me asking..it sounds cool !!! lol

Hids are what the higher end cars (and alot of lower end cars) are coming with for headlights now. IE, the whiter looking lights usually inside a projector houseing. I have a kit on my car with a full retrofitted G35 projector conversion. I have a few extra bulbs and 2 extra projectors laying around. I was considering doing a retro on my blaster.

THe bulbs actually require a power pack (ballast) to power the bulb. WHile startup, the ballast takes alot of power, however, once lit, the ballest takes less than the average bulb. I dont think i will be able to power seeing that the blaster does not have a batter, but I was wondering if anyone has ever tried it. I'll give it a shot and let everyone know what happens.
It might get damaged because blasters don't have steady voltage like a quad with a battery. When you idle your lights dim that could mess it up. Also, does it have enough voltage to work ?
It might get damaged because blasters don't have steady voltage like a quad with a battery. When you idle your lights dim that could mess it up. Also, does it have enough voltage to work ?

Tell the enough voltage part was my question. As far as messing it up, i dont really care, the ballasts i have are cheap china made.
well, i just found a 75 watt stator on ebay. I'll pick that up. Im going to need a conversion to the new style headlight though so that i can do a retro with my g35 projector. Should be a fun project.
well, i just found a 75 watt stator on ebay. I'll pick that up. Im going to need a conversion to the new style headlight though so that i can do a retro with my g35 projector. Should be a fun project.

awesome man, i wanna see a vid or some pics when ur done dude!