You still gotta short life just yet, it can still happen.
Well, it feels/sounds like:
"Braaaap-brup-braaaaaawwwww-pup-pup-braaaawww-tha-tha-tha-tha-thu-thu" (stopped)
"Prawp---prawp---prawp---prawp---prawp---prawp---prawp---prawp" (as you are kicking)
Seriously, it is usually a sudden dead engine after a low speed as you give it gas.
Acts like no spark. Plug is black and sooty or oily. Cleaning the plug will sometimes get it to run for a bit but often dies soon after.
Best plan is to throw the plug into the woods (I mean dustbin) and put in a new one.
Jetting off, long miles on the plug, or cold engine can do it.