Why are some of the Kids so rude on here ?

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well some kids dont care about other people and what they think and they just care about themself. people like that realy make me mad.!.
Well I dunno about the kids factor.. I have not bumped into a soul here rude to me yet? So I dunno..
my meeting with 89Custom have been good. He likes to keep things on topic and goes by the rules?? maybe you thought he was being rude but maybe he was just moderating?
I am not sure what thread or where this came from.

just my 2 cents.
because they have to talk a big game since they have no impact on the realworld..
Well 89custom was just a straight up ass to me about a post I did. There was no reason for it what so ever. He acts like he owns the place. Iv seen him be rude to ALOT of other people also .....thats not fair or right..at all

89 is a good egg.He has been here for sometime and has chilled out alot since he first came on.He may have came off rude but hey I can come off rude also.I also would say if you deffinately do not like him,don't bother with him.But this thread is just going to start a war if you start calling out names.Bottom line is we all need to get along or if we cannot get along then just do not bother with that person.KISS KEEP IT STUPID SIMPLE.
I can see this thread getting out of hand quickly.. 89 is not really rude... he is just Canadian (just kidding)
Remember,the majority of people that ride blasters are teens (adults too) and many people think different than others and don't always want to agree. Hell we aren't born with manners we learn them. some take longer to mature than others but in the end if they relize they were rude or being a complete douche they usually man up and admit they were wrong. just try to remind them or let them know that u think they are being rude or doing something u dislike without offending them. but if it gets worse and worse a mod or admin would have to get involved.

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timsyfz- Is 100% correct! I see it getting out of hand... But us Canadians can be rude sometimes too that is a true statement!

lets all just get along leave it at that. I am sure he made no real effort to be a dick he was just moderating.
Remember,the majority of people that ride blasters are teens (adults too) and many people think different than others and don't always want to agree. Hell we aren't born with manners we learn them. some take longer to mature than others but in the end if they relize they were rude or being a complete douche they usually man up and admit they were wrong. just try to remind them or let them know that u think they are being rude or doing something u dislike without offending them. but if it gets worse and worse a mod or admin would have to get involved.

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Very very well put !
sorry dirtyblaster- I was late posting and did not check out your post .. or I would not of even posted that.. guess we were typing at the same time.
That is the main reason I'm not on here much anymore. I can't stand when people has to cuss every other word and think it makes them look tuff. IMO it makes you look like a bratty little kid that didn't get what he wanted. And what is it with putting people down for the work they have done, atleast they are doing something. Not everyone has a mom to buy them beadlocks so if they want to paint there rims blue good for them, if you don't like painted rims fine, but just because it's not your choice don't say they look like sh*t.
I'll be the first to admit that everything on my blaster was bought used on ebay or made. I work hard everyday and enjoy my hobby, but also have a house, truck, boat, ol lady and kids to pay for.
Let's use this forum for what it's for, to share info about something we have in common, not to down people for doing it differnt then you would of.
Just my 2 cents
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