stock man!! i deal with people stuiped sh*t all day haha rather be working at the local dealership but wont hire tell 18 ugh
stock man!! i deal with people stuiped sh*t all day haha rather be working at the local dealership but wont hire tell 18 ugh
I'm not knockin nobody's job I've done a little of it all over the years, but trust me there is no rush in this like hangin out of helicopter clippin in a line or climbing over 200 feet in the air hangin bells I love it! If u ever get the chance to be a transmission lineman DO IT!
hell yeah! I:i :d:d:d:dthen u would like my latest build, i made a indoor aeroponic table for a "friend" for some medical herbs,gro lights and all in his garage. Looking for a return on my investment!!!