Who's got the weirdist job title on here?

I'm not knockin nobody's job I've done a little of it all over the years, but trust me there is no rush in this like hangin out of helicopter clippin in a line or climbing over 200 feet in the air hangin bells I love it! If u ever get the chance to be a transmission lineman DO IT!
stock man!! i deal with people stuiped sh*t all day haha rather be working at the local dealership but wont hire tell 18 ugh

im 14 well turning 15 tommrow ahha and I work at a ktm dealership but I just take all the invetory parts and put them on the selfs,throw the boxes out,take out gabage,get the boss coffe next store,and since we are on long island we dont really get snow but im a big snowmobiler and go upstate everyweekend. so when we get sleds in the shop there like W T F and I show them what to do with certain things with sleds that actally what got me the job because i was in there and the guy was reserching for like an hour to figure out what type of track they had for sale and how many studs where in it and by the pattern of the studs I new. But thats stupied they cant higher you
Grocery clerk at a grocery store... I stock shelfs... Got a problem? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT :D jk. But seriously though, I hate my job... Managers are awesome, job sucks.