Who Plays Music?


New Member
May 19, 2011
Northwest Ohio
Well title is kinda self explanitory. I have been playing in high school band from 7th grade till I was a Junior in High school. I played Percussion/drums. I tried my hand at a guitar. It's not working for me(It dosent matter what kind right now) Anyhoo, I cant figure out what kind of base guitar I want to look for. Because I played Base drum and Crash Cymbals a lot.

But I do know I like most Peavey's and 1 or 2 Schecter's. So are there any others that are similar that might be easier to play on lighter, last longer skinnier necks, exc exc???

My lilmit by the time I figure this out is going to be arroung $250 tops or just over that. Also I figured out today (cause I went to GC) I play much better with my 2 fingers than a pick like most of the new age players do. So thats cool to know about my self I'm an old school play style who loves metal. I hope that's enough to work with.

Anyway I dont know if any one's out there in idle boredom and willing to help but these are my top 5 Favorite bands I'd like to mold my play style/sound after.

Egypt Central-Song-White Rabit|A lot of Alternative metal sound here

Evans Blue-Song-This time It's Different| Alternative Metal /Nu-metal sound

3 Days Grace-Song-Lost in You| ??? unsure what type

Thousand Foot Krutch-Song- The Part that hurts the most (is me) I dident do this cover I just wanted to show the bad ass nessof this song ok.|Metal

Sent By Ravens-Song-were all liars| Metal/christian

Thanks a ton to all with great info ahead of time guys.
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i played trombone since 6th - 8th then after i skipped band in 9th the high school the band teacher begged so i joined. i learn to have love for all types of music and listen to tones and sounds very differently. music is a form of art that can be very emotional! :D
Yes I play music B)

I like to play the ass trumpet after dinner. Want me to post a vid ?lol.
I get plenty of practice at that lol:)

i used to play drums in a band. i play piano too, and i just started learning guitar, and catching on pretty quick.
Cool I played piano when I was in4th and 5th grade pretty well. Which gives me a good understanding of the fundamentals.

dabble in tenor sax and I play guitar
Awesome I see a fender at least a couple Ibaneze's a Jackson with a reverse/undersided head. and mabey an esp in white:D
*Bass guitar 666 420 and 911 cant forget 7-11
Sorry not familliar with that???
Yes I play music B)

Man that's a tad more than A hobby I take it Thats a cool nice size collection.

i played trombone since 6th - 8th then after i skipped band in 9th the high school the band teacher begged so i joined. i learn to have love for all types of music and listen to tones and sounds very differently. music is a form of art that can be very emotional! :D
Yea I hear ya it is for me to sometimes. Cause I feel that the music has to tell some sort of story.
no fenders in that lot......strat style guitars...but no fenders. then i've got a couple Jackson V's in there as well.

and that amp in the corner is loud as hell. 150w of all tube powa!!!
I've been in Percussion since 5th grade, but unfortunately not continuing anymore. I don't like band program at all and the teachers take things way too seriously.
no fenders in that lot......strat style guitars...but no fenders. then i've got a couple Jackson V's in there as well.

and that amp in the corner is loud as hell. 150w of all tube powa!!!

Strats that's what I ment. For guitars I like the Jackson Kelly's, Schecters and Ibanez 7 string guitars their awesome to drool over. Untill the price tag turns your stomach does a back flip like on a roller coaster. I:I Damn I only got 2 or 3, 15 watt practice amps with distortion buttons and those get kinda loud even for me. there a tad smaller than that bottom marshall there. Hey what's thats green one there how does it play?