Who has a 88-02 blaster?


Jul 21, 2009
My blaster came without a headlight and key and its a 96

Cant figure out what wires go where

Pictures below

Green and yellow=?

"Black wire with white stripe" and the red plug coming from the kill swith and headlight on the bars,Along with the green and yellow from a different strand..

Then i have the red plug coming from the harness together,and also coming from the harness i have "2" Black wires with white stripes and a SOLID black wire..

Then i have this strand coming from the harness and it has a green chopped wire,brown wire?,and a solid black..

How do they go! im stumped
I just hooked my headlight up yesterday on my 99. There is a set of wires (all together, not individual wires) that comes from the killswitch /headlight controls. Under the hood that wire splits into two directions, one direction heads down towards the motor for the killswitch. There should be two other wires that come out of the set that are seperate from the wires heading to the motor. Those are for the headlight, green and yellow. I reached in and grabbed a black wire out of a set of 3 other unconnected wires to ground the black wire coming out of the headlight. Not sure what set of wires I took the ground from, but it worked. I had two green wires coming from the headlight, but one had a small bit of blue stripe also. I used the solid green wire, which left I think 2 other wires leftover for the oil light. Can't really help on the key switch.
Yea but look at the picture

on one strand coming off the harness i have brown female,green cut off,solid black female

there is no other brown,there is a solid black male also come from the harness,so does the two solid blacks go together? event hough there both coming off the harness?

So where the brown go? and wheres the chopped off green go?

Now i have another strand coming from the harness,has "Two" black females with white stripes,a red plug connector and a solid black male that i was talking about above

and from my handle bars i have "ONE" black male with white stripe ,and the the other side to the pug connector

so which black female with white stripes do i put the black male with white stripe comign from my kill switch?
maybe you are missing one of the little boxes? there are two black ones and one silver one that mount to the front of frame under the hood
so did you install a head light and a new ignition? Have you removed the T.O.R.S. and or the oil injection?

Also have you removed the unneed wires out of the harness that you are not using?