Who else still has snow


New Member
Nov 19, 2008
Just outside of fairbanks ak
This winter has been hard even for us guys up here in cold ass alaska… it just wont end, as soon as it gets warmer again, it gets cold and snows. I know a lot of people are getting snow storms in the Dakota’s and other states. Who else is still dealing with winter?
its been about +5 celcius the last week so everything is melting.
Theres still some snow, i wouldnt doubt it if it gets cold and snows again, it already happened once
Its actually snowing right now:(
I wish itd snow here. We had a very cold, but low snow winter. That last month of winter it was warm, then when spring came it got cold, and now its getting warm then cold. I just didnt get to spend enough time on the sleds. But ive put 20-30 hours at least on the foreman so far. Riding 2-3 hours a few days a week adds up quick.
Snowed about 3-4 inches a few nights ago here in illinois...but it melted in a time period of about 6 hours and my riding plans were f****d for the day because the trails were too soft
I know exactly what ur talkin about. We had one day in illinois this january where it got down to -23 degrees, and then the next day it was a sunny 45 degrees outside