wheelies ruin rear brake??


Jan 29, 2011
Providence, RI
funny i was JUST talking about getting awks gixxer rear brake set up last night. today, i take it for a spin and popping 1 o'clock wheelies. everytime i wheelie i use my rear brake to balance the bike but today after like 5 minutes, the brake pedal sank with NO stopping. i tried to bleed it, no luck. not to long ago i was playing with the lever where i have my finger at on pic1. idk what that lever is for but it has a spring on it. E brake? when i turn it brownish fluid started leaking out on the sides but didnt effect nothing. could it be that i got air in the lines and cant get it out?? i even bled the caliper ABOVE the master to get bubbles out of the humps still nothing (pic2). did i FK it up? i doubt it i think im just not doin something right to bleed it. i wheelied on street bikes and never had this problem. there was nothing wrong with my my brakes before this happened. that brownish fluid must be old ass fuid thats trapped in the caliper. bc when i bleed it i dont see that fluid only regular clear.
have you driven through enough water that youve had the caliper underwater? take off the parking brake assembly (2bolts) and see whats going on inside there
Nope no water. I never drive in water. However last night I had my poor baby out in the yard and it sprinkled a little bit. I woke up like wtf! Weather didn't say it was gonna rain! Otherwise I woulda put it in the garage. But I'm gonna take off that e brake altho I have no idea what I am looking for. Cleaniness?
im just thinking you got water inside the parking brake, i dont see how you could have fluid comming out of there when there is nothing hydraulic to the parking brake. i know there isnt much going on under that brake cover..

just to be sure, you are making sure the reservoir is full while you are bleeding it right??
get an ebrake delete plate and completely eliminate it.

that could be nasty brake fluid coming out of there. and these brakes are a b!tch to bleed
yes the res of full. i wasted alot of fluid so far tryna bleed it. FYI im using dot 4 as it says on the cap. but wtf i never heard of a block off for the rear caliper! (its a 03 btw)i been up and down the forum and see nothing about it. if this is the case where can i get this block off? or can i do it myself? and where do i start to fix this? i didnt take off the e brake yet since its dark but i think im gonna do it now anyway in the garage. i dont like leaving unfinished tasks!! i'll break night if i have to! lol..
Coooolio... well 1st I need to see what the problem is. If the e brake is indeed the prob I'm gonna order that asap. Big thanks for the link duder..I'm gonna go ahead and take off this e brake bs and I'll report back
well already then.. i took off the e brake thingy and it looked like there was a sh*t load of water mixed with brake fluid. i cleaned it out then tried to bleed it again. STILL nothing. gasket looked new too. so idk wtf to do now i know the master is fine bc i pumped the brake while was off and there was pressure. wtf am i supposed to do now? get the e brake eliminator thing and HOPE thats gonna fix the prob? like i said i dont wanna buy it and later find out thats not the problem
oh great another problem emerged. now when i hit the brake light the WHOLE light goes off front and back, then when i release it it comes back on. all these problems came after i left it outside in a little sprinkle rain over night. hopefully i didnt damage the brain but i figure these bikes are made to withstand things like this. i unplugged the rear light to see if the LED was the prob but nope. idk wtf it is now. tmrw ima gonna have to diagnose it and check wiring. all this sh*t from leaving it out in the rain for ONE night can u believe it???? seems like EVERYTIME i take it for a ride something happens and i BARELY ride. i always try to maintain it best i could but wtf o_O im up to my neck here! shouldve gotten that 87 LT250R instead!! FML (btw, im STILL a noOb)
the eliminator plate isnt going to fix anything, its just a way of taking off the parking brake lever if u have no use for it. is it leaking from the caliper around that peg in the middle? you said it leaked when you pulled the lever, so use something to push in on that peg and see if it leaks from there..
i tried that too i can barely get it to move. but i'll try it again. i also fixed the rear braking light issue. i STILL dunno what it is but i just unplugged the rear brake sensor. has to be something touching. atleast i did it on time bc i know it couldve ruined the stator
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im back, when i pressed the e brake button nothing is leaking out. so i tried a set of other MC on my blasters caliper to see if the calipers bad, it still works so i figure my MC went. so replced the old MC with a 06 R6 MC which bolts right up with NO modding. I:I also its the same brand and looks identical. so anyway i tried to bleed it thinking everything is good. and NOTHING. the pedal just sinks. theres some serious air in there sumwhere. i read all the DIY to bleed so i guess i need to BACK bleed them and im gonna try that later. as for the light sensor, i took it off and it was melted on the exhaust which caused the short. so, i used the R6 sensor and again, bolts right up no problem. lucky me i have a sh*t load of R6 parts :D