wheelie disasters.

not a diaster but...one time a was wheelying a lt80 and it fliped back and i fell on the ground and landed on my back. it didnt hurt but i couldnt breath in, just out. it was fuked. lasted about 1 minuit i thought i was gonna pass out
well my worst one was on my little 80..i was goin up a hill doin a wheelie and suddenly it stalled and tipped backward.. it fel on me i kicked it over and it rolled down the hill....it was rather fun than scary!
i did one on my buddys triz and usually if it gets too far back you can tap the brake but i missed the brake and the trike kept goin and rolled. ass hurt a little but nothing major
haha i have a dirtbike one too... well i was riding my friends rm 85 and i poped the clutch to ya know just do a small wheelie but since im not used to the twist throtle i just pinned it and i fell off.....
thought i was in second, turned out i was in firet gear, oops.
it really wasn't bad, got to love the soft sand, latter in the day when we were loading up the quads i rolled my ankle though and popped something, that hurt like hell.
Well I stopped mine before anything went bad I was ridding in a whoop section on the trail and I wheelied thinking it would be little well I hit the power band and was headed straight for a tree. Lucky for me I let of the gas in time to turn and miss the tree by about 2 feet. Oh yeah may I add I was crusing.
was wheeling pretty good went from 1st to 2nd and then i didnt notice the small incline i was heading for fell off the back and some how the blaster did 2 side rolls popped the front tire off the bead and bent my 2 day old handlebars i was fine just extremly pissed
well i bought a twist throttle for mine and went riding for the first time with it and all was good until loadin it on the trailor.i use a boat trailor with some plywood on it.well like always i pop the front tire up on it so i can just pick up the back and put it on and be done.well with the twist throttle i went to pop the front up on there and when the back tires hit the trailor it made me pinn the throttle(i have one foot on the grab bar in back and other reg.)but anway i pinned the throttle and it climbed me up the trailor and made me drive off the side of the trailor.didnt get hurt but it scared the hell outta me.i took the twist throttle off when i got home and put the thumb back on.
Well I just got my blaster broke in after my first rebuild an I was so happy. Well I was out doin somewheelies an my buddy with his yfz wanted to have a wheelie contest. Sor yard is alil longer then a football field. So he goes he makes it bout have way to the house so it was my turn. So I started slow an then I shift to 2nd then third an then 4 an then my buddy yells house. So my stupid ass hit the gas an stood it straight up an it didn't stop tell all 4 wheels where flat against the house an the grab bar was broke off just hangin there lol.
Then my buddy goes well u lost cause u wrecked.
I wheelied my old dirtbike one time and slid off the seat. I was hanging on by the throttle side. I couldn't let go cause my balls where about an inch away from the back tire, and lets face it, no way I'm going down that road. Somehow I managed to get back on the bike and get it settled down. But it was really close.

Heres a few pics of my friend learning to wheelie his 700xx at silver lake