whats wrong with this pic?


Apr 15, 2010
Small town, ON, Canada
You shouldn't disrespect PS3 by putting shameful pieces of Xbox on them. XD

Cool swap, though.
no way in hell the xbox joysticks are better than the PS3's. i have both and prefer the ps3 sticks so much more. seems their more precise than the xbox.
lol, yah yah scot. And i like the xbox sticks better, fingers dont slip as much, and i know what you mean kronik, it took a piece of my heart away for putting anything xbox on that beautiful machine, but i like it lol
wrong, the only good thing about xbox controllers are now on this one

and btw, it is not as easy to do as it looks, took me over an hour to get it back together, there is a trick to getting the l1 and r1 buttons back on that took me a while to figure out