what would you do???


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
not about blasters or quads or dirt bikes..

how would you have handled this situation? would you have done something differant or do what i did???

( not looking for simpathy or anything just 'venting' and asking a question

So most of you have seen my olds 88 and what it looked like to start and what it looks like now, well a 'friend' of mine stopped over to rub a car he got in my face cuz he knows i have been trying to get the car for a while now and he go it
well in conversation he had the balls to call my oldsmobile a 'rot box' to my face, and i snapped and told him if he ever calls my car anything like that again ill break his fkin jaw! And i told him to GTFO of my driveway and prob some other sh*t,
and i went back in my house, punched a hole threw a door instead of the guy but the door is irrelivant to what happened, just me venting with out hurting someone,

was i 'wrong' for going off like i did?? what you would do if someone insulted something you have countless hours of your time and labor into??
Dude when people insult me I dont even let it get to me. I used to get all pissed off and bent out of shape but it's not worth it. If you like your car thats all that matters. F the haters
nah I probably would have done the exact same thing... Some people just do not have the ability to say nice things. Its seems that some people cannot be happy for other people so they put other peoples stuff down to try to built up their low self esteem issues...
I could not tell you how many walls I fixed, and windshields I replaced because of similar situations... I have some nasty looking knuckles because I chose to walk away, and punch a wall rather that beat the living crap out of some idiot !
I totaly agree with what you did m8.

I get ripshit when people put down my blaster. I dont give a f*ck who it is, i always give them sh*t for it. Then i walk away and break my hand on somthing other than there face, that is, if they stop. And if they HAVE an atv (some kids who made fun of it dont even have one) i usually embarrass them the first chance i get when riding with them, just to show them what the "dumpy pos blaster" can do
nah I probably would have done the exact same thing... Some people just do not have the ability to say nice things. Its seems that some people cannot be happy for other people so they put other peoples stuff down to try to built up their low self esteem issues...
I could not tell you how many walls I fixed, and windshields I replaced because of similar situations... I have some nasty looking knuckles because I chose to walk away, and punch a wall rather that beat the living crap out of some idiot !

yeah im getting there to, people can think what they want about my car, but should have the brains to think it to there self or say it to other people, not to my face and than laugh, this is is a complete dick bag, comes over here all the time showin off what he weasled people out of, or traded 2 junk cars for to get nice stuff, BUT he dont turn his own wrenches! IF YOU DIDNT BUILD IT YOU DONT OWN IT!!

it wasnt the fact he rubs sh*t in cuz he is 'better than me' its him callin my car junk that i have my blood and sweat and tears and PRIDE into,

a wise man once said respect is earned not given, talk sh*t you get none!
Well in this case the only person who lost was you,or should I say your door.lol Only thing I would have done different would be to use his face next time and not the door.People who talk S**t need to be dealt with.
Well lets see, he was able to anger you, and now there's a hole in your door. 2 points for him. There are issues in life to truly get pissed about, I don't think that's one of them. By all means give a little back to him with a witty comeback, but that's hard to do if your first reaction is to snap. To allow someone to anger you is to give them complete control over your emotions.
I would have bin really pissed but I would just say something to him or inbarres him infront of someone like his wife or something telling his wife the storys she never herd of times loll alwyas works ahhahh
yeah.. normally i can fire off comments and combacks with the best of them, hell sometimes i can spot out stuff to people faster than i can think of them,

but been under alot of stress lately, with my wedding less than a week away, wifey is pregnant, we find out wensday if were having a boy or girl ( if girl i need to buy guns) been working on the olds and the lincoln gettin them ready for the wedding ( yes i have a hot rod lincoln to :) )
trying to get a decent paying job in these sh*t times, roommate bringing stolen sh*t to the house, .. im plan o over loaded and went off the deep end
Honestly Dude.. I have temper issues.. I used to do the same.. Not saying you do at all.. But its not worth it to get pissed over someones opions honestly.. Everyone gots differents tastes.. some people are asses.. but its not worth it.. bad for your health your hands and life with friends. lol

I would of told him you were upset at his comment then ignored him or something.. Now back a year ago he would be out laying in my driveway.
nah i would have laughed and told him he is only making comments like that out of pure jealousy...and if he said another f*ckING WORD ABOUT MY CAR I WILL f*ckING KILL YOU AND FEED YOU TO MY f*ckING DOGS!!
in a non chalant manner....
yeah.. normally i can fire off comments and combacks with the best of them, hell sometimes i can spot out stuff to people faster than i can think of them,

but been under alot of stress lately, with my wedding less than a week away, wifey is pregnant, we find out wensday if were having a boy or girl ( if girl i need to buy guns) been working on the olds and the lincoln gettin them ready for the wedding ( yes i have a hot rod lincoln to :) )
trying to get a decent paying job in these sh*t times, roommate bringing stolen sh*t to the house, .. im plan o over loaded and went off the deep end
Well thats very understandable. I hope everything works out well for you man.
nah i would have laughed and told him he is only making comments like that out of pure jealousy...and if he said another f*ckING WORD ABOUT MY CAR I WILL f*ckING KILL YOU AND FEED YOU TO MY f*ckING DOGS!!
in a non chalant manner....

LOLOLOL were you hangin out with us friday night???

guy started some sh*t with a friend of mine, and my pregnant ol lady punched the guy in the face, and i told him 'I WILL f*ckING KILL YOU' .. so where were you friday night? I:I

i used to have abad bad bad temper, but if settled down alot, like i said im guessing that tripped me because of everything going on