Wow, i would love to have that bike, and you def. dont see much of them in the states. I dont know what country makes them but i think it is Spain? they are good bikes but still arent as good as a KTM in the enduro world.
From all the info I've gathered from GasGas on there motors are based on Honda 2 stroke motors. I know the GasGas 300 quad is based on the 250R and a lot of aftermarket parts for the 250R work on them. I would love to own a gasgas 300
I think they are expensive as sh*t, they arent quite an exotic brand but they are rare in the US. IDK if they are popular in europe either since KTM is so bad ass with thier XCs and XC-Ws
at the nearest dealership to me they sell quite a few of the gas gas 300's although no-one buys them because everyone thinks there a cheaper brand.
They actually go for less than what the yamaha,honda,suzuki's go for brand new