What is the loudest exhaust??

hey man, I totally understand your point about getting land shut down because if this, but when you live in a area and ride in a area that you own its not a big deal. We own tons of land and the only people that are around the land is family and friends so there is no need to worry about it. I dont ride on public trails cause we have so many trails. Believe me....if i was in a area that was populated and public then i would not want a loud pipe, but when the land is yours and the people around the land are your friends that ride on your land......i think its cool. All I want is for my friends to hear me.

Thanks for the opinion. And i totally agree. DAMN TREE-HUGGERS!!! LOL
exhaust systems are there for a reason, to change the design for the sake of being a loud being a loud tard is the kinda crap that restricts atv riding, just my 2 cents
I always thought that when u took the packing out it would make the bike lose some power cause I know u got to have backpressure!
Hey I always thought that when u took the packing out u would lose power cause u I know u need backpressure for sure!
2 strokes are not loud.you grab a harley davison farting around town now thats loud and aloud.it was never the sound issue that the tree huggers had thier way with 2strokes but the smoke its self.
wah..global warrming
2 strokes are not loud.you grab a harley davison farting around town now thats loud and aloud.it was never the sound issue that the tree huggers had thier way with 2strokes but the smoke its self.
wah..global warrming

2 strokes arnt loud???? i
gues you have never herd a 2 stroke with a drag pipe...

or a banshee with vitos pipes... i gotta buddy with a ported shee with citos pipes.. and i can hear him 8-10 blocks away on the river
nope never heard one in these parts.lol
like to though.
but we are talkin about blasters are we not?

you said 2 stroke :D but the vitos pipes do sound amazing!!!

my 89 blaster with the lrd pipe and shortened lrd silencer was loud

here is my 82 big bore atc250r with a 80s pipe ( think it was a us performance) ether a fmf silencer or bills(think it was bills?) silncer with no pack and no core/end cap

Picture005.flv video by 4cfed88 - Photobucket

Picture004.flv video by 4cfed88 - Photobucket

and my 99 banshee with pc pipes and half packed pc silencers

DSCN0866.flv video by 4cfed88 - Photobucket

and my lt250r with stock pipe with filly packed dg silencer

picture086.flv video by 4cfed88 - Photobucket
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