What happens when a Vitos stuffer crank explodes?

Ya blows! Gonna have to wait till the weekend for the tear apart, I'm too tired to do anything tonight!
I took mine apart to change cases a month ago with about 50 or so hours on it and this is what it looked like:



Notice the burnish and small scratches on the piston, obviously not new LOL but the crank is still nicely black out the throws and the stuffers are about as blue as the day they came out of the box....
So possibly the crank seal went while he was riding and he didn't know any better, kept riding until it exploded??? I guess that is a possibility , I was also thinking, maybe from the transfers being blocked off it generated a crap load of heat and baked it?? Don't know? I do remember when I replaced the piston due to sieze it was blue, that was one season ago, so i don't have an answer. Once I disassemble it I'm gonna take more pics and send it all to vitos, maybe I"ll get a replacement and remove the stuffers before it gets put back together! Or maybe they will tell me I'm SOL???
So possibly the crank seal went while he was riding and he didn't know any better, kept riding until it exploded??? I guess that is a possibility , I was also thinking, maybe from the transfers being blocked off it generated a crap load of heat and baked it?? Don't know? I do remember when I replaced the piston due to sieze it was blue, that was one season ago, so i don't have an answer. Once I disassemble it I'm gonna take more pics and send it all to vitos, maybe I"ll get a replacement and remove the stuffers before it gets put back together! Or maybe they will tell me I'm SOL???

I'm not necessarily saying that. I'm just not 100% convinced that it was simply a stuffer failure. There COULD have been other factors.

anytime any airleak develops, the piston is 99% first to go, not the crank

Unless the stuffers had already been shaken loose by several 4 point seizures. I mean, it's POSSIBLE that the crank wasn't the first point of failure....

That's what i would think too, but I'm so second guessing at this point!

I'm not sure that my rants and raves about being "the devil's advocate" and thinking that there may be more to the story than just a faulty crankshaft stuffer are worth an actual second guess.... I'm just saying that other possiblities should maybe be looked at before simply saying that it was the crank pure and simple. If the facts lead you back to the crank being completely at fault and all other damage stemming solely from the stuffers flying apart then great. I'm just in it to find the actual fault, not to blindly assign blame based on a hunch and first appearances....
I'm not sure that my rants and raves about being "the devil's advocate" and thinking that there may be more to the story than just a faulty crankshaft stuffer are worth an actual second guess.... I'm just saying that other possiblities should maybe be looked at before simply saying that it was the crank pure and simple. If the facts lead you back to the crank being completely at fault and all other damage stemming solely from the stuffers flying apart then great. I'm just in it to find the actual fault, not to blindly assign blame based on a hunch and first appearances....

I want to know also bro, I have another motor with the same brand crank in my basement waiting for a frame, and I'd like to have some kind good feeling about running it- right now I dont! I may never figure out or be able to prove what caused this, but i'm gonna give it my best shot! I'm not against running them as I seem to have "what could happen will happen to bob" thing going on with my sons blasty- been through hell with it! But learned alot all from this site!!
So it definitely passed a leakdown test before the ride. He reported that it started acting up first and then he smelled the plastic or he smelled the plastic and then it started acting up?

It looks like the surviving stuffer was baked or coated with something that turned it brown but that the chunks of stuffer that let loose are blue inside (the pieces you did recover).

We also know that some parts of the stuffer stayed floating around long enough to melt between the piston and cylinder but that other parts banged around in there only a few times before breaking out the cases and lodging in random places...

We're going to assume prior to the failure that the crank bearings, piston to cylinder clearance, and squish clearance were all A ok. We're also going to assume, for a moment, that the carburetor is still clean as a pin inside (although I think you should check it and make sure some flakes of crud aren't floating around the float bowl, just to be sure).

The only thing that I find really weird about it being simply a case of a blown stuffer block is the discoloration. Hard to tell really if that was causation or after affect.... but I suspect that a cursory examination of the remaining stuffer is in order.

Yes sir, held 7psi for 20 minutes! He rode first half of day no problems, Went out after eats, and was about hour into ride, smelled plastic burning, shut it down, then when to try and kick it over and the kicker was frozen, (as if a ring has gotten stuck or the spring was dtuck in the gears).

Carb is clean, I didn't take the bowl off, however there was a lot of tiny burnt plastic pieces on reeds, nothing on the inside (carb side). The exhaust port has a beautiful plastic coating I was able to scrape off easily, didn't see any plastic in the pipe but smells like burnt plastic.

Tonight I'm going to remove the clutch cover, flywheel, stator hopefully no damage but From the scraping sound of the flywheel I'm betting it's toast and one or more of the coils are toast!

I will post what I find tonight. I don't want to remove the bottom end from the quad yet. i have to make my airbox for the new build and need to use it for measuring purposes. I may get that done tonight too!
He smelled the plastic before he shut it down? He didn't notice the HORRIBLE vibrations that must have been coming from the crank being that far out of whack or the noises that must have been making?
Obviously not! He said it was running good, he smelled a plastic burning smell shut it down. Whether there more to it he isn't telling me i don't know, we had a long discussion last evening, i asked many many questions. I asked if he let it warm up both times before he took it, was it acting funny. The only other thing he said was after riding it bfor an hour or two when you were coasting to stop it would surge, from his decsription about 3500rpm to idle had a surging problem, and this only happened after riding for over an hour or two. When you first take the quad and ride no problems at all, seems to be once it at a certain heat point it happens, Piston looks good and like i said i was rich on the jetting, I run my engines on the rich side! I feel the piston proves that.
Ok guys i took tons of pics, I have the sttor and clutch off the motor I will have to put this in two posts only allowed 10 pics per- Some damamge but not as much as I expected! Seal actaully looks good! measure the crankcase fluid very close to 650ml! doesn't smell like gas either, I'm stumped!

stator side-no leakage visible-

Clutch side- no eveidence of foul play to me anyhow-



Even the spacer had yamabond on it!-

This is what i found when i pulled the drain plug- (EEEEEW)

This is what it's suppose to look like yes its a magnetic one-

This is the measured oil- ratio rite FWIW- the rest i spilled on the floor when I removed the clutch side case-

Woodruff key still entacked-

The damage haven't pulled the cases apart yet however!
The pulsar coil black (ground wire burnt off) also the the ground wire solder on the lighting coil is toast too! However the source coil ohms out good at 242 ohms but the lighting coil is toast and the pulsar coil is good even though it ohms out at 20, all of my pulsar coils even the new one is at 20ohms- just needs the ground wire soldered back on!




This is where the flywheel was rubbing on the coils-


Flywheel damage-only one side-



And those shaving on the magnetic plug are from the clutch gear the large one!-