what do you think of the person above you

stephen......... lives near a dirt road, his neighbor has 2 dogs, and his mothers maiden name is.................classified
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaa, all cia. spy sattalite info !!!!!!!!!!
/\/\ acidrayn.......has a good eye, and lives in this thread

glad someone finally noticed or said sumthin about my sig pic, yeah, i took the pic of my son, and he did me, i even scraped a line in the dirt so he would stand exactly the same as me, but a cloud musta rolled in and made my pic slightly darker
then just cut/copy and pasted them together in ..........
lol...... microsoft paint
i dont even have photoshop

i did get the distant mountains to line up though, baaaaahahahahaaaa
and there's a tree branch growing out of my handlebars