what did you do to your blaster today?

I bought a steel braided clutch cable for mine today. Now I just need to find a steel braided throttle cable, so if anyone knows where to find one, let me know
i took a short ride to a pit nearby my house and gave a friend a lesson....she didnt stall or over rev it once. took the teaching out of teaching...lol
Got the motor,shocks,a-arms,rear swing arm,stearing stem,and foot pegs off,now i will degrease sand wipe clean the frame nicely tommorrow,ready to paint this sucker
pulled my motor took it to the shop and having the bottem end rebuilt left case junk... expensive gotta get new one should be done tommorow 655 dollars worth the whole works
heli coiled two more head studs. (those things are amazing) changed tranny oil, greased carrier and a arms, cleaned air filter, bought some footpegs, rode it.
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Painted the oil pump cover, its a deeper blue in person..


and polished my grab bar. I still need to work on it, but its getting there!
