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i sent pictures of what he was buying. I wasnt trying to be an ass hole to fabb3 hes a cool guy. He has helped me out on a lot of stuff. It just didnt make sense on shipping it back he would have lost 25 shipping it anyways thats what i payed. Then i would have lost another 35 paying him back.
he said specifically he asked if it was the right part several times and you said yes. you obviously didnt know/care or was lieing. what you should have done was give him back some of his money and say keep it, instead of giving a big I love you, when he asked for you to fix the problem.
he would have lost 25 shipping it anyways thats what i payed. Then i would have lost another 35 paying him back
I see what your saying 2kuik, but you told him that you were sure that it was the left a arm and you messed up and didn't take any responsibility and claimed that "you didn't care" or some other b.s. If you just take responsibility and fix your mistake we can forget about this whole thing.
Yes I know that it would have cost me money to ship it back and you money to refund you my $35.00. BUT, we BOTH would have lost money....Its not the about the money if you have not figured that out yet. I could have shipped back the a arm to you, then you could have sold it again and re-cooped the cost of shipping.

Business' eat money all the time taking returned products. Its part of selling stuff.

For the last time about the pics, Yes you sent me a nice pic of the a arm. However with nothing to compare the a arm to I didnt now know if it was the right or left. That is why i asked you many different times about it. Its called "item as described" the item that you sent was not the item that was described to me...you told me it was the lower left so i believed you.
he thought there wasnt any difference in the left and right gosh yall didnt go this harsh on mototech then one who ripped ppl of over $400 and didnt send them a peice of anything
he thought there wasnt any difference in the left and right gosh yall didnt go this harsh on mototech then one who ripped ppl of over $400 and didnt send them a peice of anything

He did know that there was s difference because I told him there was a difference. That is why I asked him so many times that I needed the left one. If he didnt know what one it was then tell me that, then I dont make the deal with him. Also, he told me that "you can switch the left and right a arms" and that he would "take pictures showing me that you can" for some reason I never got those pics.

Also mototech got his....
He did know that there was s difference because I told him there was a difference. That is why I asked him so many times that I needed the left one. If he didnt know what one it was then tell me that, then I dont make the deal with him. Also, he told me that "you can switch the left and right a arms" and that he would "take pictures showing me that you can" for some reason I never got those pics.

Also mototech got his....

mototech didnt get enough i bet he will keep going on with what he is doing. the guy on i bet is scared and he feels sorry for what he did because when he was making a deal with me he was saying over and over that the part had something done to it to clairify. i think he is just to cocky to say sorry his ego has got the best of him.
man up! fix it!

also I heavily support this forum, I think that the people who mototech got are not on as much as me and are not as established forum members. Not saying that because of that it is okay cuz it is not at all!
id say its a misunderstanding. so why dont you both eat half the cost to make it right..

i tried that....told him to refund me the $35.00 and I would eat the return shipping and we could each call it good. Said he didnt want to and then later said that he didnt care.
i tried that....told him to refund me the $35.00 and I would eat the return shipping and we could each call it good. Said he didnt want to and then later said that he didnt care.

just cut your loss sell the a-arm and call it a day.. if you really take it personal you can take it to another level but for $35 bucks and pricipal its just not worth the frustration..
this guy ruined his name and i dont think any of us will buy from him...
also i think we should add bad traders to our sigs for everyone to see all the time..
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