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Sorry to hear about the BS you've had to deal with Fabb....but such is the interweb. Just like real life, most people are cool and legit, but then there are the minority that make the rest look bad.

There is a place near me (in the town I work in), that is definitely on the sketchy side, but they sell used bike and quad parts, plus tons of sick used bikes and quads....most likely stolen, but they're a 'legit' business on a main road.... If you still need a stock lower (which side A-arm), lemme know, cause I got an upper from them a while back so they may have it. They do sell on ebay, but as I said, they're sketchy.....like I showed up telling them that I saw an A-arm on their ebay site for 20 (starting bid listed a 19.99, no one had bid, and it was in the town I work in, so I stopped by during lunch) and they wanted 50 sketchy, but I ended up paying 25.....

I'm sure there are other routes you can go and you may be able to get it cheaper somewhere else, but if you need it, and they've got it, just to show you that not everyone in the world is a sh*t bag, I'll ship it to you for nada (free shipping....sorry, I can't buy you parts and not charge you, but I'll try to talk them down as best I can). I've been treated so well by other people in the past, most of whom I've never met (some of which I subsequently have), only talked sh*t with on the interweb.

In terms of this site, German Warrior hooked me up with a mint swinger bolt and nut, then asked me to send him 5 bux after the fact (I was a little slow...I was un-sure about sending cash in the mail!! ssshhh, but I don't screw people over). Then quadmxracer hooked me up with two rear calipers (which he told me were not currently working, and I bought as described) for a good deal. I paypaled him and he shipped em, no problem.

Good looks calling out the scammer. But don't think just because one ass hole screwed you over that everyone is going to do the same.
what a f*ckin ahole people like this just piss me the f*ck off... what a douche and to think i was gonna buy his ptr pipe...
No i dont think that everybody is just going to screw me over. There are A LOT of people on this forum that I would so business with.

As far as the a arm I got one from Regal for $20.00 shipped.
Sorry to hear about the BS you've had to deal with Fabb....but such is the interweb. Just like real life, most people are cool and legit, but then there are the minority that make the rest look bad.

There is a place near me (in the town I work in), that is definitely on the sketchy side, but they sell used bike and quad parts, plus tons of sick used bikes and quads....most likely stolen, but they're a 'legit' business on a main road.... If you still need a stock lower (which side A-arm), lemme know, cause I got an upper from them a while back so they may have it. They do sell on ebay, but as I said, they're sketchy.....like I showed up telling them that I saw an A-arm on their ebay site for 20 (starting bid listed a 19.99, no one had bid, and it was in the town I work in, so I stopped by during lunch) and they wanted 50 sketchy, but I ended up paying 25.....

I'm sure there are other routes you can go and you may be able to get it cheaper somewhere else, but if you need it, and they've got it, just to show you that not everyone in the world is a sh*t bag, I'll ship it to you for nada (free shipping....sorry, I can't buy you parts and not charge you, but I'll try to talk them down as best I can). I've been treated so well by other people in the past, most of whom I've never met (some of which I subsequently have), only talked sh*t with on the interweb.

In terms of this site, German Warrior hooked me up with a mint swinger bolt and nut, then asked me to send him 5 bux after the fact (I was a little slow, but I don't screw people over). Then quadmxracer hooked me up with two rear calipers (which he told me were not currently working) for a good deal. I paypaled him and he shipped em, no problem.

Good looks calling out the scammer. But don't think just because one ass hole screwed you over that everyone is going to do the same.

well said buddy!!I:I its happened to me man, thats why i use paypal, i got my money back, it was a cold air intake for my titan, almost 300 never got it, tracking number was only "billing info recieved" then it was dismissed, he never shipped it. to say the least i got my money back. but hey you need some plastics or a set of tires i got a special price just for you, and a reed spacer.

^ some may want to beat him down, others may just want to see peace and see him reslove the issue like a human. your not an animal, you have morals that should be telling you to be a man and respect others.
wow, i may be an ahole on this forum but this is bullshit. Whata great big piece of FAIL. He probably spells IRL how he does with he name on here, once again, FAIL. You are a worthless piece of sh*t. You should go die. You should sell those drugs that you bought with his HARD EARNED MONEY and then take the rest from your parents welfare check to pay him back. You whitetrash piece of FAIL
Easy now guys...Try and keep it classy!!! I dont want to fight this kid or beat him up...I just want him to know he cant screw people and get away with it. I am trying to show him that his reputation is the most important thing a person has.
^ some may want to beat him down, others may just want to see peace and see him reslove the issue like a human. your not an animal, you have morals that should be telling you to be a man and respect others.
Alright alright, I see what your saying. I'll give him a chance to redeem himself, but if he doesn't, then I mean every word that I said. Fair enough?
ill take all you fagets. Do you just sit around your f*cking computer and post on this forum and wack off or do you ahve a life.
no fabb, people like this dont care about thier reputation, because they have never had anyone in thier lives to show them how to be respectful or to act like human beings and not animals. He will soon be a strain on the American society because people like him make the world the sh*tty place that it is now, thanks to quick for you, thanks alot
some people just don't like seeing people being ripped off and disrespected 2kuik. honestly, do you just not give a sh*t about respect and trust? if you didnt do this, and went oh sh*t my bad man, then solved the problem, you wouldnt be having this issue with respect for you right now and you could sell anything you wanted to with others knowing you fixed the problem. that is, if you fixed it and people knew you did the right thing.

Now wouldnt that be nice?

Now if everyone else like you in the world did that, we wouldn't need to worry about when you buy something, you opening the box and it being how described and you made someone able to trust you.
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