Vitos 240 port timing?


Jan 28, 2012
Ok guys I have a 240 kit with a 3mm stroker. I'm trying to get a pipe custom built and the builder would like the port timing specs and Vito's doesn't want to give that info up. Not sure they even know!! I don't have any other choices as I may have committed a sin against Blaster owners by putting the Blaster engine in a 2 wheeler. Also if anyone knows a pipe builder in the Tacoma/Seattle area I'd like to know about them. Thanks in advance Tim.
mmm, you can measure the port timing yourself!

  1. Take off the head
  2. Take off the flywheel cover
  3. Print yourself a degree wheel (google images degree wheel) make sure its sized right for the application
  4. Cut it out and stick it onto a CD
  5. Take loose the flywheel nut and mount your CD and degree wheel onto the flywheel behind the nut
  6. Make a mark on the case at the top matching 0* on your wheel.
  7. Remember to set this 0* when your piston is at TDC (in the middle of the dwell is safest)
  8. Then, rotate the motor slowly and as soon as a port opens, Write down what the degree wheel says at the casing mark
  9. This then gives the degrees at which a specific port open
  10. Then rotate until the port closes. Read and write again,
  11. Then work out the difference - this is your DURATION!
  12. Do this with all the ports and you will have your port timing and duration!

No offence but your builder should do this for you, taking your word for it is not very precise from a builder point of view.
Ok guys I have a 240 kit with a 3mm stroker. I'm trying to get a pipe custom built and the builder would like the port timing specs and Vito's doesn't want to give that info up. Not sure they even know!! I don't have any other choices as I may have committed a sin against Blaster owners by putting the Blaster engine in a 2 wheeler. Also if anyone knows a pipe builder in the Tacoma/Seattle area I'd like to know about them. Thanks in advance Tim.


Follow blaner's instruction's, you'll have it figured out in no time. When you get the stock port timing numbers, post them back up so the next person can find them.

I should know it, but mine didn't stay stock a day once I had my hands on it.... I:I

Post up pictures of the monster!