un-repairable case damage?


New Member
Dec 5, 2012
Levittown, PA
I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but is this repairable? I was pulling the motor to split the cases and hunt down an air leak, used a long extension to pound out the swing arm bolt. When I had the bolt about halfway out I saw the bolt was bent, and I saw the crack. I said F it and got the bolt out and thats whats left of the case. Crack could have Been there under there packed on oil and mud for all I know. I haven't ridden it since I bought it as I was chasing down the air leak. I only paid 200 for it and now I'm thinking about just parting it out (not that theres much good to sell).

Im pretty sure that is repairable, theres a dude on here or used to be on here not sure if he's still around. His name is Sicivicdude, I've seen pictures of case repairs hes done and they looked damn good. Im also pretty sure KOR in connecticut could fix that case for you also. You've got the piece that broke off so thats a huge benefit to whoever is going to fix your cases friend.
I dont know that's a huge chunk ... And considering that's where the swing arm bolt goes in I'm thinkin between the weight and pressure that thing wouldn't last very long at all if it was repaired. I'd say its time to startin huntin for some cases !
I still think that can be welded up no problems by someone who knows what they are doing. However after shipping costs and the price of repairing it may be the same price to buy a good used set of cases. However I wouldnt rule out repair till you've heard the words from someone on here who does case repairs IMHO.
As mentioned, with shipping 2 ways it might be a toss up.

First thing is to clean them real good, have to before splitting. But do not wire wheel or sand that area to clean it. After you get it broke down, contact a couple local welders. Know beforehand how much a different case half will be so you can decide which will be the most cost effective route. You might have to do a little fileing/grinding afterwards, no biggie.

I could tell you how to get ahold of Sicivic, but I would probably get banned.8-|

Also , you have to find the air leak BEFORE you split them. Were you using some kind of leak tester? You sprayed EVERYWHERE on the outside where it could leak? Checked case vent?
I used a leak tester and that's how I found a leaky clutch side crank seal (repaired), and I had a ton of air coming from behind the balancer bearing which was why I was splitting the cases in the first place. I've tried the alumaweld on a Chinese dirt bike case with 0 luck. Since we found out the wife's position was terminated due to downsizing, I'm dead in the water. Right now its in the garage with a tarp over it so I don't have to look at it. Thanks though guys for all the help, I think buying a left side case would be best since i suspect a crack or hole was causing the leak
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Sorry to hear about the wife losing her job man, the economy really sucks big time ! When bad stuff happens I try to tell myself " everything happens for a reason ". Maybe shell get a better job or one she likes more, and maybe you'll find an amazing deal in the time you have to wait to do the rebuild. For now tho, worry about the things that you CAN control, and try not to worry about the things you can't ...