truck help


Aug 26, 2011
Pacific northwest, washington
so if you guys could give me your opinion on what might be broke let me know. so i have this 93 toyota 2wd pickup, manual, no power steering. and it runs smooth and realy good but the lights tend to flicker like a blaster and when you hit the gas they go dim. all the inside lights do it aswell. and then when i was stopped in my driveway about to back in the radio just shut off then wouldint turn back on and then the truck just died but the headlightd and all that still worked but i could just hear the battery clicking but no turn over? whats is going on? oh yeah and the battery and alternator are brand spankin new
I had a similar problem and it turned out to be my voltage regulater, but I didn't have a problem with the truck not wanting to start or dying.
The clicking sound is the starter soleniod check your connections at the cylinoid on the starter because power from your battery runs through there as well as the rest of your system so if you have a bad connection there the rest of your system is going to act funky
Check your battery cable connections at all points to see if the loose or dirty. Use a volt meter starting at the alternator and trace back to look for low voltage.
If it the cylinoid it would not start at all hit the thing a couple times and see if it starts after that and take a board put it on your starter and and give it a couple taps and see what happens check the altenator again I've seen them come out of the box bad and start checking fuses
other than a few problems, and idk what it looks like those are nice trucks, i have a 95' 2wd ford ranger manual also i like it alot