Totaled off the Explorer

glad to hear your ok. Cant wait to see the pics. Just a curious question. But why were you with your buddys girl dropping her off late at night?? LOL Just thought id throw that in there.

The first second i read that sentece i said "more importantly, what were you doing with your buddies gf late night...?"
oh fair enough, the chassis legs seem to have held up nicely
you cant see the chassis leg damge in the picture below but it crumplede right up lol still got me home thou :d



he needs driving school bad lol
yea i agree, right after i happened it jumped out and my horn wouldnt shut off, i went to the other car and she was screaming it was pretty crazy haha, f*ckin women drivers
Oh fair enough, The chassis legs seem to have held up nicely
You cant see the chassis leg damge in the picture below but it crumplede right up lol still got me home thou :D



89 is gonna have a fit when he sees this! (He loves supras)
^ HAHA you know me! f*ck man that things dirty. just cried a little inside seeing yet another one smooshed before i get to own one. i swear, there wont be any left by the time i can afford one :(
^ HAHA you know me! f*ck man that things dirty. just cried a little inside seeing yet another one smooshed before i get to own one. i swear, there wont be any left by the time i can afford one :(

There getting more rare over here. So we have 2 :D
They must be like gold dust over there considering they have to be left hand drive
There getting more rare over here. So we have 2 :D
They must be like gold dust over there considering they have to be left hand drive

i want a right hand drive one(imported) just for the fact that people will be like wtf LEGIT!

"why do you sit on the right side?" "because this cars a f*cking champ thats why"
Oh fair enough, The chassis legs seem to have held up nicely
You cant see the chassis leg damge in the picture below but it crumplede right up lol still got me home thou :D

i would have killed you if wrecked my Supra
i want a right hand drive one(imported) just for the fact that people will be like wtf LEGIT!

"why do you sit on the right side?" "because this cars a f*cking champ thats why"

i wonder how much your insurance is over there it cost me £5400 a year for a 17 year old
i wonder how much your insurance is over there it cost me £5400 a year for a 17 year old

oooooooouch haha oh f*ck man. i aint planning on ripping a mk4 supra before im 23 so i wont have to worry to much about insurance. it starts dropping at 23.
most women suck at driving but my mom is like a nascar driver on the highway shes passing cars left and right usually going about 80 lol speed limit is 65. and if shes pissed for some reason she calls my dad on the cell phone and speeds up to about 95 one hand on the steering wheel while shes blowing up at my dad on the phone.
most women suck at driving but my mom is like a nascar driver on the highway shes passing cars left and right usually going about 80 lol speed limit is 65. and if shes pissed for some reason she calls my dad on the cell phone and speeds up to about 95 one hand on the steering wheel while shes blowing up at my dad on the phone.

exactly why women drivers are brutal.

they all suck. i wana defend my mom, shes a pretty good driver, but women in general are slower to react and dont know what to do in some situations.
to quote a commedian that i cant remember his name.. womens brains hate them they constanly are thinking they are brain terriosts.. haha my mom is bad you would think on an icy road you would give alittle more time to stop not mine slid right into the back of a 2500 HD took out the bumper and grill but still driving the tahoe though