Well last nite im with my buddys girlfriend, i drop her off start heading home.
going down this street that turns into a freeway so the speed limit was 70 there.
anyways This chick in a new saturn optra or something was turning left at the intersection and she turned right infront of me.
I t boned her and pretty much drove up the side of her car, my wheels came through her front windshield kind of.
all the airbags went off pretty crazythe windshield on my truck smashed when they went off.
My cell phone was dead at the time but unfortunately when my dad was there i used his truck to charge it which resulted in me gettin a picture of the non damaged side from far away , right as it was leaving lol.
The girl of the car was sent to the hospital.
anyways will gets pics of the carnage tomorrow when i get my subs and a buncha other stuff
going down this street that turns into a freeway so the speed limit was 70 there.
anyways This chick in a new saturn optra or something was turning left at the intersection and she turned right infront of me.
I t boned her and pretty much drove up the side of her car, my wheels came through her front windshield kind of.
all the airbags went off pretty crazythe windshield on my truck smashed when they went off.
My cell phone was dead at the time but unfortunately when my dad was there i used his truck to charge it which resulted in me gettin a picture of the non damaged side from far away , right as it was leaving lol.
The girl of the car was sent to the hospital.
anyways will gets pics of the carnage tomorrow when i get my subs and a buncha other stuff