Tors/park brake issue.


New Member
Jun 29, 2011
I know there is a million threads on this. If someone could link me a 03+ park brake removal that would be awesome. Here's what's happening
We were riding. Quad sucked a reed petal. Swapped that. Everything all fixed. We go to start it and it starts but it will idle for a few seconds and die. If you touch throttle it bogs. The tors is removed. I'm going to check it again really good. I think it's the parking brake because it won't idle.
I know there is a million threads on this. If someone could link me a 03+ park brake removal that would be awesome. Here's what's happening
We were riding. Quad sucked a reed petal. Swapped that. Everything all fixed. We go to start it and it starts but it will idle for a few seconds and die. If you touch throttle it bogs. The tors is removed. I'm going to check it again really good. I think it's the parking brake because it won't idle.

i didint think the parking brake would have anything to do with that but now since you said that you have me thinking, i would just check the reeds once more, clean the carb really really good, CHECK FOR AIRLEAKS does it idle with the choke on? can you rev it up with the choke on?
With the slightest touch of the throttle I can keep it idling and I mean SLIGHTEST. After that it it will bog. It has done this before but it was a wiring problem. We discovered some wires that were unplugged while checking. I just need a thread for a 03+ blaster. I've only seen for older ones. It's either the tors or parking brake.
And of course it happens in the best blizzard to ride in. Luckily we had a spare blaster
I think you answered your own question :-[

Did same thing before, it was wireing. Check wireing !!
Actually only 133 topics, here is the first the rest

While you are at it, 209 hits for 03+ TORS

The search function works great on this site, just use Google advanced search 8-|:oI:I:D