Todays ride and rolled 3 times without a scratch!


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Well i had my bike apart for leakdown test then yesterday my cousin and his friend called and said there driving 2.5 hours to ride at the local place welll i put it together really fast and rode.
Well bike ran great except no back brakes and not much front. Well i was flying up a decent hill climb right before the top there is a tree root i hit that and it flings me into a wheelie which then makes it rolll over the top of me and rolled 3 or 4 times length ways. landed upright the damage a little dent on the fending handbars not bent just pushed down and a bend clutch lever broke off the front brake lever.

Well didnt even get a bruise or scratch from it and rode the rest
here is the hill look tiny but is about 30 or more feet was stitting where the 4 wheeler landed

pic of us we rode on a beach and a dried river bed that was awesome


if you look in the bottom left hand pic you can see my clutch lever. ill get better pics tommorrow
sounds like fun! you aint ridn hard untill you break something.... haha

Funny that you say that. When I was 6 years old I was riding my chinese quad with my dad on his Rincon. While I was riding, The front right tierod broke while I was going around 30-40 mph. It was so fast that it tore the right front wheel right off, flipping the quad right over, throwing me 15 feet away. I landed on my shoulder, and broke my collar bone. 2 Days in the hospital and 3 weeks of recovery. The pain was so bad that I was throwing up for days. Sometimes its not funny when someone gets hurt "riding hard enough"
same thing happedn to me on sunday was hillclimbing and hit a huge rock and flung me on the VERY EDGE of the top of the hill. i jumped off because it was just about to roll on top of me and landed on my back and it rolled right on top of me. tire hit me in the head and something landed on my back and really hurt . it bent handleabrs and i think my back and knee is out of place
Funny that you say that. When I was 6 years old I was riding my chinese quad with my dad on his Rincon. While I was riding, The front right tierod broke while I was going around 30-40 mph. It was so fast that it tore the right front wheel right off, flipping the quad right over, throwing me 15 feet away. I landed on my shoulder, and broke my collar bone. 2 Days in the hospital and 3 weeks of recovery. The pain was so bad that I was throwing up for days. Sometimes its not funny when someone gets hurt "riding hard enough"

i was hit by a 6 wheeled gator and broke mine. almost passed out walking into the hospital after a 2 mile ride on a 3 wheeler. only at the hospital for 4 hrs then tried surfing 2 weeks later. that really hurt.