Tire Repair


New Member
Apr 19, 2008
I bought new rear Razr Mx tires for my Blaster and after the third ride I found a quarter inch or so slit in the sidewall of one of my tires. I'm going to buy a new tire to replace it anyway, but was just wondering if there was a way to repair the sidewall slit safely? Since I did not get my money's worth on this tire, I wanted to see if I could use it as a backup in case of another flat. Or should I just trash the tire?
yeah, i have seen a tire with 17 plugs in one hole on the sidewall and it held, but you may be able to have a patch put in it on the inside!
Is it really worth the blow out at a high speed......on concrete.......in a t-shirt and shorts....Throw out the tire and replace it. It will give u piece of mind.

no dissin to you man.. but anybody that habitually does high speed runs.....on concrete.....in a t-shirt and shorts.... deserves the consequences. i wear a tshirt in nice weather too.. but shorts? never. that thought actually takes me back to my sportbike days when id see guys in shorts riding.. theyre also the same guys that wonder why their legs look like a pizza topping after they wipeout... just plain stupid.
no dissin to you man.. but anybody that habitually does high speed runs.....on concrete.....in a t-shirt and shorts.... deserves the consequences. i wear a tshirt in nice weather too.. but shorts? never. that thought actually takes me back to my sportbike days when id see guys in shorts riding.. theyre also the same guys that wonder why their legs look like a pizza topping after they wipeout... just plain stupid.
try saying that when you live in south florida and the winters average 85 and the summers 95