time is nearing..


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
wife went to the doctor today for weekly check up on the baby... she is dilated to 3 and having mild contractions( she cant feel them but the fetal minotor registerd them)

sooo.... if the baby dont come by saturday we go in at 8am for her to get induced
congrats...thats really awesome. Ive never seen a baby born but in 2 weeks I get to do my OB clinicals I cant wait....Hopefully it doesnt scare me away from wanting kids one day LOL
yeah and thats prob goin to switch....girls tend to lean more towards their dad and boys lean towards their mom. I was a daddies girl....always wanting to play football in the backyard and ride on the motorcycle and hand him the wrench when he was fixing the car...You will see.