Thump throttle no pressure help??


New Member
Jan 22, 2009
I was starting it to warm it up and all of a sudden i hear a bad noise and i feel no pressure on my thumb throttle like its not connected to anything it doesnt pull the cable when i rev it. I know it broke off somewhere but i have no idea where to start.

Can someone guide me in the right direction?
well to start get a new cable.. then take it apart unscrew the top cap it has three screw'sm pull the little rubber piece back and unscrew the little lock nut then thead the cable all the way in so you have play. then unscrew the piece all the way
take off the carb. Get to the top carb piece (i believe the TORS system). Disassemble the inside and remove the top cable. Thats your throttle cable. That should be it,,,
I took it apart today. My throttle cable never snapped so that was fine but while i was at it i took off the tors systemI:I.

The really akward looking thing on top of the carberator for the tors system. Can that be replaced with a regular cover?