This winter officially SUCKS!!!!


Nov 14, 2013
Coal City, Illinois
I officially hate winter. This winter has had more downs than ups. I'm about to buy skies for the front of the blaster. 8" of snow on the ground now and a sh!t load more to come they say next week. Im glad both of my vehicles are 4 wheel drive. The extreme below zero temps and high winds....i had my fill. Texas is sounding really nice!!! Old man winter is an ahole this year!
Laying in my air conditioned bed in hospital wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, I feel for you guys in the cold.
Working outside in the cold does suck at times, but I don't mind it 90% of the time, i wear alot of gear. I have a bad....BAD case of cabin fever, that's my major problem. I'm waiting for my exhaust to come in, but it's not like I can ride it after I install and rejet.....too much snow!!!
I was wondering what you were saying was sucking lol

Get the wide skis for the front, and try an old snowmobile track wrapped around the rear tires. Thats how i always wanted to do it :D

3rd coldest winter on record they said? Might have moved up to second im not sure
i got my kor head in the mail installed it then hit with tons of snow cant test it out damn it .unless i want to really ticks my neighbors of and ride right by my house hehe...which i have but i think theve had enough :)
My neighbors are use to my riding up and down the street. But I shouldn't say all because I ride for 15 mins tops and by the time I get it back to the garage, the towns finest make their appearance, and drive by. They know it's me because well.....they told me. I don't get stupid and romp on it and fly up and down the street.

Low 50's come Monday, ole blaster has been sitting for over a month. Bout time for this snow to be gone already so I can get it out of my garage.

Bought my new rear tires back in Dec., I have yet to try them on something besides snow.
the huge pile of plowed snow at my local walmart :)

and good thing i had planned on leaving my VW sit for the winter

the snow has finally melted from the roads, and the mess underneath more resembles a goat path than a paved road, i've never seen so many potholes :eek:


and with another big storm slated to hit early this week............

you hear/see that Niagra falls are almost froze over?
Great Lakes 90+% froze over

i did not hear about that, but looks pretty frozen to me .........


i did hear something about a large ship stuck somewhere (great lakes ?) that has road salt supply on it, and there's going to be a big shortage