This could only happen to me...

He's still Running a 200cc cylinder. But not crank. This is where racers interpret the rules, you read in between the lines. Because the rules specify a 200cc cylinder, not 200cc displacement he's good to go

i could argue that the CT cylinder is set up for 200cc as it designed to run a shorter crank.
If you look around hard enough you can actually get a +6 stroker crank.

As far as the honesty issue there is no mention of a crank period and don't think for a sec the guys beating you isn't gonna be running one haha
I wish I could get them in print, but its all still being decided so no website updates from last year yet.I talked to the race director and he said it doesn't matter what crank I run as long as the cylinder is no larger than stock bored .080.
If you look around hard enough you can actually get a +6 stroker crank.

As far as the honesty issue there is no mention of a crank period and don't think for a sec the guys beating you isn't gonna be running one haha

I don't know if a +6 would be safe to run tho...the wall between the crank and counter balancer is already gonna be really thin with a +4. But if I can find one I'll probably buy it and do it anyways.
No, but I'm kinda broke after shellin out the cash for my CT and carb setup. My mind is going 1000mph on what to do, I'll probably make up my mind when I get my trans gears back from tyson :o
Man that blows all that hard work and now your beeing given the buessiness I'd argue that the other guys will be useing larger cylinders and that what your doing is leveling the playing field so to speak. brandonz28 nitrous would rip so much sh!t up on the track and his engine but. The idea of a nitrous purging blaster would be a sensation to watch, like a bull getting angry in the stable just before it's let loose though.
i've been wanting to do nitrous on mine. if he can tune the motor NA, he can do it on the spray.

not sure why everyone seems to think that nitrous means instant biggest concern about it would be getting the clutch to hold all of the extra torque.

and timing adjustments would not be easy to do
i've been wanting to do nitrous on mine. if he can tune the motor NA, he can do it on the spray.

not sure why everyone seems to think that nitrous means instant biggest concern about it would be getting the clutch to hold all of the extra torque.

and timing adjustments would not be easy to do

I hate when people do that to. Mabey 10 years ago you'd blow an engine or 2 getting it dialed in, in a season. But thats why nos users love computer programs via dyno runs. Yea your half way right my concern would be the clutch/tranny holding up to the quick shifting abuse t cover so much ground:D:D..........
it's moreso that the blaster clutches are pretty weak. and slip easily.

dyno runs and nitrous mean very little. the load is too much different than going down the track to get the fueling and spark needs dialed in correctly.