ive seen them here in not even close to as nice of shape for about that much this thing is in like perfect condition i couldnt even find any dirt on it but im not sure yet i wanted to kno what u guys had to say about it
I'd do bro!!! But 5K is wayy to much.... this isn't 1999 anymore!! I can't find one for less then 3K but I still refuse to pay that much and I also have to drive 600 miles
i dont think it is when i say its perfect i mean its perfect and im gana try to ge the money for it the guy has three ones for sell and the other to are for racing he said he only boufght it to ride in the winter one of them he said is pushing like 78 hp o and the guy has to gto judges and there not clones but idk if i wana sell the blasty to get it cuz idk if im gana like it as much as the blaster or not im just so confuzed lol