If you read the info he says...
"""used about one year, i also have a yfz 450 i bought new elka suspention and roll design a arms for it and put the stock yfz shocks and a arms on blaster. the other stuff in pic is stock oil tank for yfz and clutch for yfz not included. just shocks and a arms for blaster the shocks have very low hours so they will not need any reconditioning. i also didnt wash anything before pics they have been sitting in plastic tote for 3 years in a garage. (11 of the 12 metal end caps are missing u can see in pics if you have bent or bad a arms now u should have them.""""
Not a bad deal id say. stock arms for something that big will definatly be an upgrade for a blaster. wish i had some money layin around or my damn money didnt die last year. lol