There Has To Be A Way

can you help me start a petiton to the president for legal quads on the highway

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dude id love to have them legal so bad, but it 99% wont happen. Since they have 4 wheels, they are classified as a car, which you need a windshield among other things to make it legal.

so does that mean we can all ride three wheelers legally then? lol nah i think it's a little more complicated than that. i would guess that in order for them to be street legal, they would have to have the obvious stuff (turn signals, streetworthy tires, etc) and i would guess because of the different dynamics of a quad as opposed to a bike would make them have to start making them with a wider and looonger wheelbase.
so does that mean we can all ride three wheelers legally then? lol nah i think it's a little more complicated than that. i would guess that in order for them to be street legal, they would have to have the obvious stuff (turn signals, streetworthy tires, etc) and i would guess because of the different dynamics of a quad as opposed to a bike would make them have to start making them with a wider and looonger wheelbase.

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that would be pretty sweet riding on the road legally. changing laws would be tricky though. you would need many things. first legalization of atvs on the road then probably a separate license, directionals,license plates,dot tires,lights,etc. also wouldn't there need to be some sort of inspection of the atvs like with cars and bikes. maybe look into how motorcycles were able to be riden on the road. its possible but will take time and determination.
You will not be able to street leagalize quads anytime soon without doing the following and this will all be on whether its was even considered by the US govt.

Obviously you will need mirrors, horns, signals, etc...
You will also have to find a tire manufacture that produces and sells Highway DOT approved street tires suitable for commuter roads and highways and can safely opperate to the states highest speed limit.

You will also have to have the exhaust and intake checked to pass emission standards which (blasters will never meet this standard, since thats why they quit making them in the US.)

Then you will have to convince an insurance company to come up with a policy for street use insurance not just property damage, medial and theft.

After that you will have to pay the taxes on the quad from the date of purchase which most haven't ever paid taxes. this is tax concerning land tax not sales tax. And now you will have to pay land use tax and roadway tax on a quad to ride legally.

Dont forget plates?.... Guess what you have to 16 -18 to get the license so some of you will not qualify.

Not to be a downer cause trust me I want this toooo. But unlike you I researched why we aren't allowed to and what would be necessary for this. then I looked at some of the other countries that do allow this and see what the similarities are and differences here and there.

Last but not least Pres. Bush could care less about atvs and dirtbikes and has only shown a dislike by taking away public riding land away from us for 8 years. If OBama is elected you can count on losing 50 percent of the land we still have for open public riding.

Quad riders across the nation NEED to vote McCain if they want to retain any of the land from here on out. His Vice President is good ol fashion outdoors girl and loves recreational vehicle use hereself and would be a better canidate than anyone else up there on the ballot.
i just got the new edition of dirt wheels and there is in article about street legalizing atvs and the first thing i thought of was this thread.

"More Atv Access

On October first, a new Utah state law will go into effect allowing OHV's on the public roadways. This change will no give quad owners permission to race down the main street or do wheelies on the freeway. It will change the vehicle codes to allow the licensing of OHV vehicles for travel on some roadways. Individual towns and cities will have to determine which roads they are allowed on.

Not only will the law bring more funding for the state, it will give riders better access to great trail systems that Utah has to offer. That will ultimately bring more buisness to the local economies. Now,if every one started riding ATVs to work, gas prices might go back down...."
so your saying that your not allowed to drive quads on the roads? we are allowed to do that if they are road legal, we need insurance, mot an tax. then we need to get the obvisiuos thing like a speedo, turn signals and road legal tyres. most of the raptors over here in ireland are road legal
ok in west virginia along wit several other states u can ride ur atv on the road not a main highway
it would be easier to address ur senator or governor or watever with this because its a state law and in some states its perfectly fine i personally would love to hope on my blasty n ride it down to my girls house lol
I also think that it would be a great idea. Maybe not on the highway but on secondary roads definitely. We all rode to school on the last day of school last year, we took mostly trails but some roads. When trail riding most people have to either cross roads or ride on the road to get where they want to go anyway.
some mods that will be need to make a quad road worthy imo:
turn signals (you already know why)
head lights and tail lights (most quads have this already)
nerf bars (for the same reason my MX quads need them)
DOT tires (already know why)
gearing change (more top speed, need to be able to run 45mph in very low rpm to keep mpg fairly high)
exhaust change (need to imporve emission and lower sound)

i know on my quads, they do not get very good MPG and my car gets 30MPG. my quads maybe get around 20MPG if i am lucky.

quads should not be allow on highway for the same reason why small engine motorcycle/scooters can't, they can't keep up with traffic.
if this was ever legalized people would abuse the privelidge so badly that it would be immediately taken away, people would die on he roads, idiots pulling wheelies would crash in front of cars and be killed, rollovers on simple corners that people try to powerslide, people are too stupid for this to be legalized, its unfortunate but true
i agree with blasterfan.
i do not see this as a good idea, but if it was passed they would need to make a law so the quad would be a certain width and height, so it doesnt tip over corners, which is something that could pose a problem, tipping over high speed corners
they would probably need a stabilizer bar on the front like TT quads do, DOT tires, a secial class of liscence, ATV must be able to go fast enough to keep up with cars. its too much for right now, plus people are retards and they try sh*t they shouldn't and f*ck it all up for the rest of it
if this was ever legalized people would abuse the privelidge so badly that it would be immediately taken away, people would die on he roads, idiots pulling wheelies would crash in front of cars and be killed, rollovers on simple corners that people try to powerslide, people are too stupid for this to be legalized, its unfortunate but true
I agree 100% its a bad idea. People would get hurt, then there would be lawsuits and atvs would be bannd just like 3-wheelers:(.