The Wrench in the gears!!!


May 2, 2010
West Central Florida
Well after riding a high and the first season win and taking the points lead in the Blaster/Raptor class a wrench was thrown in the gears!
Colby took a spill going up a dragons back and the quad flipped over forward at the top and landed at the bottom, thank God it didnt land on him.
He broke his collarbone and sprained his neck!!! He also cracked his oneal series 5 helmet right above the left eye about 3" back to the center. Thank God for the Leatt or it would have been much worse! ALL YOU YOUNG RIDERS OUT THERE NEED TO DRESS FOR THE CRASH NOT FOR THE RIDE!!!! If your gonna race spend your money on gear, then suspension and then motor work PLEASE listen to this statement!
The subframe on the quad is bent/twisted pretty bad about 3" down and 2" over to the right side. Gonna try to straighten it, hopefully. Cant afford a new frame right now!
Gonna be end of May before he can just ride again not sure when he will be able to fully race at his best yet.

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give colby our get well wishes
does that require surgery ??? looks way outta place

i've had a collar bone break from a quad flip....very painful mo-fo's
Sucks best wishes for a speedy recovery! Someone should have a frame for cheap when he is ready again!
When i broke my right collar bone the doctor said it snapped like a chicken bone.. now my right collar bone is stronger then the left
First off, thank you everyone for the well wishes.
That X-ray is from the ER. It was 40minutes fresh.
We took him to the ortho specialists at University of South Florida the next day.
The doc says when the break is in the center and a single break they allow it to pull back and heal by itself. H will always have a knot there though. He said if it were broken near the ends or multiple places they would do surgery and plate it. He said plating a center break can cause issues more dangerous if it ever happened again because the bone ends would snap off around the plate which is more dangerous. He also stated that the plate and screws become an issue and most patients want them removed which just means another surgery.
I told him I want the best and then asked if it were your son what would you do and he said let it heal. He had also broken his in the same place 2 yrs ago skiing and elected no surgery.
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ouch..... i broke my collar bone on my 150r, got whiskey throttle going over a jump in 3rd gear, flew off the bike and hit a fence... not my worst injury but defiantly the most painful...
too bad it needs to be an 03+ man. I would run a frame over to ya. might want to check with neonlights or somethin like that. he is in the area and had a few parts quads