wel here it is.. wife bought this for her self today.. BONE stock 97 300ex runs like a champ!! motor puurs like a kitten!!

nice bike 4c....i bet that thing will run forever......well it is a honda!........them things are little wheelie machines.....
they are good wheelie quads and they can take a beatin den start back up nd keep going!
that's awsome man my wife wants somethin like that herself with electric start, she hates kickstartin the blaster.
that's awsome man my wife wants somethin like that herself with electric start, she hates kickstartin the blaster.
agreed...why do they hate kick starting sh*t? MAN UP!I:I
my wife having 2 surgerys on her knee is a good excuse.. all the other women that complain.. stop being sallys
my wife has had 2 surgerys on her right knee so cold starting anything with a kicker is a no no.. warm she can start most machines... but it will be nice to not have to start hers for her