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I hear ya. Got acouple boxes of parts waiting to get put on my mudding atv. Just haven't had the time
Thinking of making one of these engine block coffee tables.

With some neon lights in the center.
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So close, but so far.
What are they out of stock in the items you ordered. Seems that's happening alot

They showed up Saturday.. Either that's a wild estimate to CYA because of the 'RONA, or the guy I know that works there saw my order and bumped my order to the front. Placed an order with F.A.S.T. over a week ago and it hasn't shipped, they don't even answer the phone ! I guess if you have problems you just play phone tag or something
Going to retune my clutch on my brute force 750 with some different springs and weights.
The clutch is already setup for the mud
But this one has adjustable weights.
And different spring rates than what I'm running now.
Heres a pic of clutch setup

Feild adjustment. Before my last setup
Changing weights and different springs
Got stuck and smoked a belt
A bigger secondary will just start out with a greater gear reduction.
More low end power is always good