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I know this is off topic but is anyone pumped to play the new mx vs atv all out game i thought the last one wasnt the best but this one looks pretty sick :)
i have not played alot of them but need to get some new ones.
i liked playing mx vs atv unleashed on ps2 x-box360 but i dont got it for ps4.
i seen this one a little while back i want to get it:)
comes out next month, 1 month before the mx vs atv all out:D
I have every single one lol since there backwards compatible on xbox one and that looks sick too but theres no quads so i was gonna wait for mx vs atv, has rzrs in it too, i will prob get excited and end up buying the monster game tho
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Looks like I see my next video game purchase.

I've been playing PUBG lately, but it's so damn glitchy on Xbox it isn't funny......still a fun game though. Battlefield 1 apocalypse expansion comes out in a week or so, looking forward to it .
/\ oops i meant the ama supercross comes out in 2 weeks:eek:
i was actually playing the ps4 car racing game when i saw blasterbrians post
about mx vs atv all out weird huh lol comes out in march :eek:
Looks like I see my next video game purchase.

I've been playing PUBG lately, but it's so damn glitchy on Xbox it isn't funny......still a fun game though. Battlefield 1 apocalypse expansion comes out in a week or so, looking forward to it .

just had a look at the pubg game looks interesting:)
I have every single one lol since there backwards compatible on xbox one and that looks sick too but theres no quads so i was gonna wait for mx vs atv, has rzrs in it too, i will prob get excited and end up buying the monster game tho
yeah i cant play ps3 or ps2 games on my ps4
just under the ps now stream that cost like 20 bucks for 3months:eek:
my ps plus/for playing games on internet stopped a few months ago never re-new it for 60 bucks for another 1 yr yet:rolleyes:
just made another e-mail acct
to get ps now for 7days free for like the 3rd time already.
they are old games but free for a week is a good price.
i played red dead redemption+ the zombie version 1 i liked better
for a week and beat the game ride horse's shoot zombies all kinds of animals:eek:
i just created it and played mx vs atv encore which i have played before
it is not that good in my opinion unleashed is better then encore:)
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Reactions: blasterbrian
i had fun playing this game for free on ps now
example not me but here is 1 video.
just create new e-mails and profiles on ps4 then you can keep getting free trials.
takes like 30min total i have done it like 4 times already lol
you need a debit/or credit card though then cancel subscription after 7 days lol or pay for it:eek::p
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man I have not played games for 2 weeks. Last game was Life is strange 2. Oh and just cause 3 I finished.

Cannot wait for Farcry5

been playing mx vs atv encore past few days.
it is starting to grow on me:)
i don't like the fact that you need to correct the bike forward and sideways all the time but it makes it more challenging and realistic.
also like the fact that ruts start to forum and you can feel them in controller and see it:eek:
tricks are not as easy as in mx vs atv unleashed lol or im just not use to it yet:)
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Yea its hard with the body control but you get use to it and can whip the bike lol , i wish in the updates they added in blaster and banshee would have been dope, you can get yamaha bikes and raptor i think but its upgrade pack
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i have beat most of the championships got 1st in all of them expect 1 i got 2 atv 450 championship i guess i could have restart the moto but i did not lol.that 125cc championship was pretty hard thou got first.Either jeremy martin or alex martin i already forgot gives you a run for your money
i think i have the 50cc championship and mx vs atv championship left:)
those national championships are hard bouncing all over the place especially if you use the 650f 4 wheeler easier if you just use the 450f:eek:
there is friggin snow in half of them:D
James stewart gives you a run for your money too:cool: