The Tavern - Your Chatter Feed

im having a few drinks at the tavern tonight
found this for free online today and made these....
found a new program that is free will share soon
only got like 1hr experience soooo far PLUS IM CHEAP

Soooo? Whats that got to do with it. lol Get in that shed boy. mmmm better get off here and go in the shed now that I have told you to. :rolleyes:

MMMMM need to buy some metal polish for my exhaust.

Cant find my polish, and i got a little distracted! I found a clearance bin AirTime kicker that im going to make fit the blaster!
after too many drink of koolaid only for entertainment to keep the world spinning around on bf.
i mean cough....cake and ice cream
i decided to make this very quick for my daughter...
the only 1 she saw was more appropriate but this one is more adult lol
the skinny 1 is jasmine the oldest lexi is hold her:rolleyes:
yours truly for fun on the internet:D
not the greatest but if you try this at home it is not easy or good results lol:oops:
Don't think I want to try them.
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after just reading a few recent posting moments ago 1 made me,
hatin tonight for the hell of it:mad:
i also got a new clothing line
1 for the wife or
you can wear my blaster on your balls.

go fund me 1.png

bf shorts 1.png
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been playing ps4 on some of my free time! Internet time lately/blasterforum hehe.
mafia111/watchdogs2/call of duty black ops111/homefront the revolution:)
Only game I have installed at moment is Wall-E. lol, Need to get a new game.

i really only have like 8-10 diff HARD COPY games but
I do the free demos as of a few days ago to see if i like them
i play off and on once or twice a year..
My wife really does not enjoy the 'rated M 'games although they are the best oneso_O
go figure right typical female attitude..
plus i got to be careful what the kids see
as in they are always learking around somewheres lol
the watchdogs 2 is almost the sames as grand theft auto 5 but

although alot of those games i listed are rated'' mmmmmmmmmm'''' goood;)
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Yeah GTA I played all of them and ended up getting sick of playing the last one.

FEAR is a good game but is a oldy.




WOW this looks fun. :) Not even looked this game up before.
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