The raise your post count thread...

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we all gota team up to make this dream become a reality we shall call our selfs the incredable giuys at typeing random things or igatrt
where the neck joins the body is broken up.......might just gorilla glue the biotch back together to see what happens, otherwise i'll just gut it and use all the parts. hopefully its fixable...............looks like this:

here's the damage.......
as far as i know that's paint....but i think i can get it together well enough that i won't care about the finish
Guess I will jump in on this............. My boy stopped by from college the other day, said he "dropped" his iPod touch and asked if I would fix it........ I said sure let's see it, he pulled this out...


Am I the only one that thinks it was a little more than "dropped"? LOL
dang that sucks. does he happen to drive a steam roller for a living? just kidding. but i will be a post ho cause i wanna post stuff in the wanted section
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