It's pretty cool talking to people that actually like good music. No one that I know of in my school listens to good music anymore, just rap.
My school was all preppies and wannabe rapers with there pagers, that was in the 90s. LOL
It's pretty cool talking to people that actually like good music. No one that I know of in my school listens to good music anymore, just rap.
My school was all preppies and wannabe rapers with there pagers, that was in the 90s. LOL
That sucks, but you get to laugh at the way they run when they are trying to keep there pants on.LOLHaha in my school, everyone has their pants on the ground. I only know one person that has an ATV.
u get that bmper finshed yet
we had redneck/hicks and preps......and the gothic kids
i was in a group that floated through the middle of all of it lol