The raise your post count thread...

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i ordered tie rod ends and i got 2 inners by acciedent so now i got 2 new outers on order damn now i got 60 in new tie rod ends but it will be nice
im posting pics of my blaster right now lol its coming along

Picture 083.jpg
here they are in order

1. 1970 fox sprite (does around 50 my main way of transportation)
2. 1970 cat 350ss completly restored (just sold for 385)
3. 1970's buffalo (takes 22x11x8 inch tires its a beast)
4. 1990s manco streaker (i blew the back tire on it and its forsale with a honda on it)
5. 1970 cat 300TT just got from powder coaters its pretty nice

thats them i dont have pics of #6 cause i sold it and didnt take pics sorry


Picture 038.jpg

Picture 048.jpg

Picture 033.jpg

Picture 041.jpg
pretty nice eh i used to collect them but now that i got the blasty i had to sell the blue one and the other red one thats not pictured these little things are awsome to ride my blue one sat in my room and was a show bike had around 500 into the whole bike and was restored to factory specs
Those are nice I wanna see #3 finished........

yea so do i lol its my dads bike we need the rims powder coated and tires i can actully buy blaster rims and have them fit on there with a set of 20x11x8's i think thats what were gonna do get some nice blasty aluminum rims and holeshot tires
yea so do i lol its my dads bike we need the rims powder coated and tires i can actully buy blaster rims and have them fit on there with a set of 20x11x8's i think thats what were gonna do get some nice blasty aluminum rims and holeshot tires

What size motor can you put in that one?
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