The raise your post count thread...

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man, one of these days i need motivation and time to work on stuff...

o and having access to the chassis would rock
then i'll be taking it out and thrashing on it if i ever have time, have a halfway decent blasty, and no time/place to ride it. starting to smell a full out MX build coming on
Whoever said this is a pointless thread, well I guess there wrong on that observation because it's about to turn over to 88 pages.
Post counts dont matter the quality of the post does.
BORED............Wish I was at work so i could fab up stuff. But if i told my wife i was going to work at 10:00 at night to work on my blaster she would not believe my or think i was crazy.
BORED............Wish I was at work so i could fab up stuff. But if i told my wife i was going to work at 10:00 at night to work on my blaster she would not believe my or think i was crazy.

you work at a fab shop that you can go to anytime?? I would be there all the time, lol. I wish I had access to a fab shop, been thinking about getting a couple stock swinger and trying to extend one myself, I'm sure I can weld it good enough, just don't know about cutting it down, lol.
fine, tell her you're going out to the bar to pick up cheap hookers and get some blow

that'll really get her attention hehehehehehe
hoping i get this new job, get to quit walmart, work about half as many hours a week, make the same amount of money. win all over
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