whaaahooooooooooo got a 190 dollars for the shore, then 15 for my neighbors grass blue 50 bucks my parents are giving me, haha sweet 255 dollars to go blow at the shore, i feel rich (lol im anything from rich)
oh i found out last night why my blasty blew up i think not sure on it but i think that one of the skirts on the piston shattered and i also got some really really bad scratches all up and down my jug i mean really bad scratches. thats ok it being redone anyways
Holy sh*t!! I was on my way home when the front brakes on my truck locked up on the highway doing 65!! no more front brakes lol!! man there was so much somke.
i'll be doing that on a new RG body.....won an ibanez replacement neck with a green tree of life inlay on it. right now i've got a sh*tload of guitars around