The Computer.


Sep 4, 2009
Whew... long weekend for me and my computer. Okay, so, when I get bored, I think of weird ideas, my most recent one: lets put Mac and Windows on my computer! So, I was off to Google and figured out what I needed to do.

The way I intended to do it, I would not lose any data on my current Windows installation, which was Windows 7 Ultimate. As normal, that didn't happen. I installed Mac and it corrupted my Windows installation to the point of no return, so all of everything was wiped out. But, oh well, I had my important files on a flash drive as back up. So, I didn't care, and I booted up Mac and I got a blue screen... it was pointless.

After getting a different, updated version, it installed and work. It took 5 different times to get it to work good. So, after I got Mac worked out, I installed Windows 7 yet again, and without surprise, it corrupted Mac. Awesome!

So, I started messing around, and eventually, I got them both installed, but only Windows would boot. So I found some boot editors and whatnot, and now I get the option when I turn my computer on between Windows 7 Ultimate and Mac OS X Leopard. It's awesome! Right now, typing this, I'm using Mac. I like it more then I would have thought.

Here's some pictures.


Windows 7 Ultimate:

Mac OS X Leopard:

Give some feedback. I need to install all my programs, but that's a breeze.
i hate duel boot setups. if im going to have multiple OS's i just have them set up on different drives. right now i have 1 500gb only for backup of everything then 2 other 500s, 1 with my old xp setup and my latest one with windows 7. i like to switch every once in a while and dont like to resetup sh*t so i do that. eventually though, reformats are primo for refreshing and speeding up your computer... just a biotch to setup everything again.

and also, W7 is ballin as hell. i woulda paid money for this if i got into the beta program, but oh well, free is always good I:I
meh, that's child's play! :) I've been dual booting Mac/Windows for years and Windows/Linux for longer than that. Good job getting it working though!
I have the same thing on my computer but I think mac sucks, so I have windows and Linux as my two options.
Yeah, I used to play around with dual-booting, fun for a while, then I usually just end up having 1 OS on 1 partition. Running Ubuntu on my desktop, Windows 7 on my laptop right now. If you want to have some more fun, install linux as another bootable partition, and configure beryl...

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its been a while since i've used linux, and i've seen that baryl thing before, its pretty slick. Right now im just running W7 on my rig, might try throwing linux back on tho for fun, haha
What kind of laptop is that?
It's a Gateway MX8734 that I bought when Vista first came out, it was like $700 and it is a pretty good laptop. Not for gaming much, but it can handle games if you wanted it to. I love it and plan on running it to the ground. Lol.

At all the other people, thanks for the positive feedback. I know it's not some new technology breakthrough for dualbooting, but it was a first for me so I thought I would post it up I:I If I had a larger hard drive (I may buy one eventually) I would have Linux thrown in there too. I agree that Windows 7 is pretty good, but I plan to do a lot of my browsing and stuff on Mac just for the sake of speed... that thing flies. All of my editing and graphical stuff will be on Windows 7.
Yeah, I have all the disks for Windows applications and I have more space on Windows, so that's what it will be. I'll be installing everything this weekend most likely.