The 800$ 2006 Blaster SE

Ok everything is on. Even the 400ex shock now. Just waiting fo my used fatty and powercore2 to arrive


Ok everything is on. Even the 400ex shock now. Just waiting fo my used fatty and powercore2 to arrive



she looks like a virgin.

once you get that pipe, you will get the disease

the.. the.... THE MOD BUG

I know the disease but I know the limits of the blaster. I have a worked 'cr250 that's my racer. This is my have fun quad.
Well for now I am done with the blaster. Got some boyeson reeds, and the Exhaust showed up yesterday was worried for 150$ for a full fmf fatty and it was installed (minor sanding and some HH paint). I just need to jet it but I drove it a few times and I am more then happy with the results especially the shock /tusk spacers and bigger rims and tires. Until the top end goes my journey is over, then its going to Oconner for port polish and head milling. , bars and clutch lever have to go too but thats it. Here's a video of she looks I was satisfied with the way it grabs . Even the 25$ eBay stickers were worth it. Total cost of bike 1400.

Finished 2006 Blaster SE:
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Please re jet and plug chop before you ride it again, otherwise your top end will be gone sooner than you want.

I got a bunch of plugs. My CR uses the same plug. what do you recommend I'm only about 50 feet if that from sea level. 270-300? Just need the main jet ? You know the mods just pipes and air box lid gone with good filter. Thanks
At sea level, this may help.

Before you plug chop it is important that there are no air leaks, the float has been set to the correct level and the idle has been set to specs.

FMF = #260 main jet.

Aftermarket air cleaner + 1 or 2 size larger.

Air box lid off +2

32:1 pre mix +1

Needle in the middle slot.

32.5 pilot jet

Plug chop to confirm, as temperature, elevation and humidity come into the equasion
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Sounds like a 290 i will be sitting at going by that. I'll get a 290 a 300 and a 280. And a 32.5 pilot jet. Then I'll figure out how to put them in. Thank you .
A guy was telling me that he threw a pipe and filter on and removed the airbox lid and tested it out before jetting it. Within 10 minutes, he'd destroyed the engine.

If you're going to buy some jets, get more than that. There are exceptions to the rule and from time to time, you'll end up needing a jet that's much larger (or smaller) than the norm. In these cases, I'd recommend a thorough inspection. Only after the final inspection would I call a build complete.