Super big bore Blaster helmet cam *vid*

Paulie B

New Member
Jan 17, 2008
The trails are short I know but I own them ;)
I haven't been able to get to the muddy section but I'll have a vid up of that soon.
This is the first time trying out my new Gopro so thats one last thing to have to get ready for Busco.
It was kinda time consuming getting the camera mounted and adjusted the way I liked.
Enjoys brothers!
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yeah, thats just plain nasty!!! and you may own those trails, but i'm guessin you could "own" almost any you ride that beast on
now THATS why you built that sick-ass weedwacker!!!! nice trails you got going there paulie! by far the sickest blaster out there man, hands down
Hellya thanks alot fellas!

video quality is pretty good whats the price tag on the camera?
It was an anniversary present I think it was around $250.
The original vid is in 720p and crystal clear but my normal editing software doesn't do MP4's so alot of the clarity was lot in the AVI conversion.

great quality vid brotha........i love that blasty so much, i still get to ride it right mang lol
Yeah bro we'll switch up for a second.
That things sounds bad ass. Do you have other vids on youtube from awhile back? those trails looked very familar.
Yeppers they are the same trails as my other helmet cam video.
The only difference is this one has the drag pipe and Flotek drag port vs the previous trail pipe/trail port combo.
dude that thing is awesome! love the look, love the sound, just love it

and i think you need to ride more, the trails have a lot of grass on them