so my friend that i use to ride with just sold his trx250x to one of his friends friends 2 days ago and my friend said that it already got stolen from the kid he sold it to
Gawd Damn Thieves , I had a 94 Integra for a few years , I had to pull all the plug wires and put a chicago boot on it to keep it from being stolen on a nightly basis , fun car , but I was so glad the day I sold it , I would sleep crappy at night and have these f'd up dreams about my car being stolen , like I said Gawd Damn thieves ......
and the friend that sold it to him bought a blaster on cl for 300 cuz the guy said the carb was messed up but he cleaned it and work fine.(it had race plastics holeshots on douglas wheels all around fmf pipe filter off the carb nerfs bumper grab bar)well anyway he had it for a week and someone stole it.they cut his lock off to
i always put mine in the garage at night, my main conern is being in a bar and have someone take off with it. lol i try to part between my buddies so it would be harder to walk off with.
i had two bikes stolen from me. i was living in my old town and 3 or 4 kids walked in my garage and took it never got it back. the other time i was at basketball tryouts left it sitting out side the locker room when i went to get it was gone. i got that one back though now its sitting at a friends house needing new pedals and probably a new chain.
i keep my blaster in my shed locked up.
I'm glad none of this has happend to me. In our community we can leave r garuges unlocked even opened an noone mess with ur stuff. That's y I love my small comunities
my quad sits in my shed doors locked mostly when i aint forgot! in my fenced in bac garden with a big German Shep Hanging around it haha
wanna hav balls try steal it and sure there is sum pric that wud try it!!
i have some very honest neighbors, i have an 05 raptor 660, 06 banshee, and 09 Raptor 700 that stay at my house, the 700 is mine, i leave them outside alot and ive never had anything stolen, it would suck living in the city.