Street Legal in Washington State!!!!!


Nov 24, 2009
Tacoma , Wa
I am super stoked about this , Senate Transportation bill 5366 is paving the way for us ATV'rs to License and ride our machines on public roads YEAR ROUND!!!!. The Bill in its final form as far as I can tell has passed and will go into effect Soon . This is of course WA state only , Other states already have passed such legislation and Its being spearheaded by ATV Groups and the Manufacturers . We are going to see new versions of quads available for street use coming out in the coming years . Of course there are restrictions .
Currently in cities with MORE than 15,000 residents the city has to adopt the legislation , so for me living in Tacoma , I will have to Lobby the City of Tacoma to adopt the Bill . The set speed limit is any road with a posted speed limit of 35 mph or less . If Tacoma adopts the bill , then I could ride all over my town , It will be awesome . Cruising around on my shee down to the waterfront , or hop over to the store to pick up some beer and steaks , ON MY BANSHEE!!!!!!! I'm so excited I could just sh*t . anyways I thought I'd share the good news . This also opens up hundreds if not thousands of miles of Logging roads and riding areas that have closed for decades , This is a good thing and I'm glad Its finally been adressed .
We've had this in idaho for awhile, but by county and it has been limited, I would be very surprised to see this happen in areas like tacoma, living directly aacross the border from eastern washington we get our news out of spokane. My understanding was this law is being considered more-so for the eastern and mid washington farming communities ... think dusty, othello, colfax, etc. not to burst your bubble but good luck in the Tacoma/Seattle/Olympia area.
It's a step in the right direction , and I've Already been planning my proposal to the Tacoma City Council . The city of Tacoma has a posted speed limit of 25 mph unless otherwise posted . Breaking the city into 4 sections ( excluding gig harbor , speed limit on the bridge is 60 mph )
There isn't a section of Tacoma that can't be reached needing to go faster than 35 .
I plan to put together all the best information together and make a real case for it .
We'll see how it goes
I say go for it, I love bein able to cruise mine but have gotten two tickets for not meeting noise regulations, gotta love two stroke pipes ... lol. Overall, its good to see washington moving in the direction of Idaho, I think we are one of three states or now four including washington.