still no fluid.

May 18, 2012
Hi guys i am still not getting fluid to my calipers. when i press the lever on the master cylinder the round (gel like thing that is part of the rebuild kit i think) there is bubbles coming from it? does this mean it needs rebuilt? if so anyone got instructions how to rebuild the cylinder.
When pulling lever do you have bleeders open on calis? Maybe pic or diagram of which part might help.
banshee bleeding brakes(front) - ATV Enthusiast Community
quick way to bleed brakes on a banshee
Yamaha Banshee Brake Bleed - YouTube

Have not looked at any of these, but may help you.

i don't. i also tried opening them but still no luck. going to disconnect the brake lines tomorrow(from the top and bottom) and see if there is fluid coming through. if there isn't will i need new brake cables? i tried what awk said in my build thread about the master cylinder sometimes gets airlocked but i loosened it off and tightened it up a little but still nothing. i was looking on ebay on the master cylinder rebuild kits and i cant see the round silicone thing i am talking about where the bubbles are coming through.