Sticking kickstart


Dec 16, 2011
Smyrna Tn
I've got a 95 blaster I recently purchased. When I got it the kickstart was not engaging on every kick. It still would start on about the 2nd kick though. After some investigation I found the the clutch cover was loose and was allowing the kickstart to slip forward. I took off the clutch cover to check things out, everything looks fine. I put the cover back on tight like it should be and now the kickstart is sticking. It won't return to the upright position. I thought that maybe the spring slipped out of the hole but i removed the cover to check and it was like it should be. Put the cover back on and it sticks.

Could my clutch cover have an issue??
Bad kickstart assembly??

Any thoughts?????
sure sounds like something with the cover.. is it filthy dirty? that def sounds like the problem area so just keep looking at it till u find out exactly where its sticking
Your kick starter may not be in all the way. Something is making the kick start bind on the case. Try tapping the kick starter in farther. Maybe the nut is on a little too tight. If nothing else works try Sanding the kick start where it sits/ goes through the case and or gently sanding the hole in the case where your kick start comes out.
I had the same problem and mine ended up being the white plastic sleeve slipped out of place where the notch goes up agains the spring. This made the thin metal washer loose and not tight up against the gear. The washer and sleeve should be tight and up against the gear. Not loose. Heres a video showing what I mean. Hope this helps people in the future.

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